League of Legends EU LCS 2014

Currently in full swing is the League of Legends European Union League Championship Series, full of amazing takedowns, clutch hooks, and lucky jukes. For those of you who do not know what League of Legends is, it is one of the most popular online MMO PvP games out there, made by Riot.

I play League casually and in no way consider myself a good player. I don’t play ranked and find my fun on the Howling Abyss map. I have 35 wins on Summoner’s Rift. However, people of all skill levels should admire the plays going down in this LCS, either for entertainment or to pick up a few tricks and tips. The teamwork and synergy required to accomplish some of the things in these games is amazing and one has to wonder how many hours were put into this game for these teams.

Warding, teamwork, communication. If there are three things that are necessary in League, it is those three things, as shown by these teams.

An example of excellent teamwork here, along with a hilarious moment of Mordekaiser melting a Morgana to soup in three hits.


The depth in which these players know the champs they play with and against is staggering. They know how much damage they can take, how much they can dish out, and how to effectively use their abilities by chaining them with others’ to grab kills or escape effectively. They do this for a living, for money. How lucky is that? This is a game that actually takes skill. Champs might be good, but it takes a player to push them to their full potential, and combined with teamwork, these teams are battling against the best of the best. 

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